Histology Instruments
Equipment Available For Use: (TRAINING REQUIRED)
Please contact Joani Zary to schedule a training session.
- Microm HM 340E Microm Microtomes (2)
- Microm HM 505E Cryostat
- Epredia HM 525 NX Cryostat
- Thermo Scientific CryoStar NX 50 Cryostat
- Nikon Eclipse Ci 5-Head Teaching Microscope
Other Specialty Equipment Used by Core Staff:
- Sakura Tissue-Tek VIP Paraffin Tissue Processor
- Sakura Tissue-Tek TEC Tissue Embedding Console
- Leica Autostainer XL Slide Stainer
- Leica Robotic Coverslipper CV5030
- Motic EasyScan Pro Digital Slide Scanning System
- Primera Signature Slide Printer
- Primera Signature Cassette Printer

Sakura Tissue-Tek VIP Paraffin Tissue Processor
- Automatic, self-contained tissue processor for paraffin embedding
- Holds up to 150 regular cassettes or 75 mega cassettes
- Programmable for up to twenty different programs for a variety of tissue specimens
- Programs are run overnight and can be run over the weekend

Sakura Tissue-Tek TEC Tissue Embedding Console
- Used to embed processed tissue in paraffin forming paraffin blocks ready for sectioning
- Large, insulated workspace
- Temperature control in five areas – Hot plate, paraffin chamber, left & right chambers and Cryo Module
- Heated forceps holders
- Large cold spot area to orient tissue
- Cryo Module cool blocks quickly

Microm HM 340E Microm Microtomes (2)
- Multi-purpose microtome for paraffin sectioning routine and research applications
- Motorized coarse feed and retraction
- Automatic specimen retraction on return stroke
- Automatic universal micro-macro specimen feed system – 0.5 to 500 microns
- Pre-selectable fine/trim feed can be changed with one touch
- Quick release cassette holder
- Disposable blade holder for low profile blades

Thermo Scientific CryoStar NX 50 Cryostat
- Precision-engineered, high-performance cryostat for the sectioning of frozen samples
- Adjustable specimen cooling -45°C to +10°C
- Active knife cooling -20°C to -25°C
- Touchscreen user interface
- 18 cryobar storage positions including 4 quick freeze locations
- Integrated peltier fast freezing device rapidly cools to -57°C±3°C
- Section thickness from 0.5μm to 500μm
- Automatic specimen retraction on return stroke
- Cold D function consisting of an internal fumigation unit that applies Sanosil (disinfection medium) into the user-accessible, operating areas of the cryo chamber

Epredia HM 525 NX Cryostat
- High performance routine cryostat with intuitive software and touchscreen for simple, efficient sectioning of frozen samples
- Motorized coarse feed and retraction
- Automatic specimen retraction on return stroke
- Chamber cooling to -35°C
- 27 cryobar storage positions including 4 quick freeze locations
- Integrated peltier fast freezing device rapidly cools to -57°C±3°C
- Section thickness from 1μm to 500μm
- UV function for disinfection to allow for sectioning human tissue or infected tissue

Leica Autostainer XL
- Automatic staining of histological slides
- High throughput by means of an innovative slide rack transfer mechanism which allows continuous loading of up to 4 slide racks of 30 slides each
- Programed for paraffin or frozen hematoxylin and eosin staining and hematoxylin counterstain

Leica Robotic Coverslipper CV5030
- Precisely places a coverslip on a microscope slide with very few bubbles
- No mounting media on top or underneath slide
- Coverslips 30 slides in less than 15 minutes

- Nikon Eclipse Ci 5-Head Teaching Microscope
- Microscope has superior functionality with operational ease
- Bright, eco-friendly LED illumination
- 4X, 10X and 20X objectives
- Lighted, movable arrow
- 5 viewing stations for easy teaching and training

Motic EasyScan Pro Digital Slide Scanning System
- High-precision motion control system
- High-resolution digital imaging system
- Can scan up to 6 microscope slides at a time rapidly
- Easyscanner software is applicable for scanning, digital storage, transferring and browsing of microscope slides
- 20X and 40X magnification with zoom feature on digital images
- Select from standard, high precision, EDF extension and Z-stacking modes
- Scanning area and be manually set to individual sections

Primera Signature Slide Printer
Primera Signature Cassette Printer
- Helps reduce misidentification of specimens
- Prints directly on to slides or cassettes
- 300 dpi print resolution