Ashley Nicole Parks, Ph.D.
Teaching Assistant Professor
office: Brody 7N-55A
telephone: 252-744-2858
B.A., Butler University
M.A., Emory University
M.A., Stony Brook University
Ph.D., Stony Brook University
I teach cadaveric anatomy and clinical neuroscience for medical students. Currently, I serve as an instructor for several courses, including: Gross Anatomy and Embryology for matriculated medical students, Medical Neuroscience for medical students, Health Professions Gross Anatomy for physical therapy students, and Clinical Gross Anatomy for physician assistant students. Previously, I spent several years as a research instructor of gross anatomy and comparative neuroanatomy at the Renaissance School of Medicine at Stony Brook University, where I taught cadaveric anatomy courses for medical, PT, and PA courses. I have also taught various undergraduate anatomy and neuroscience courses.
I specialize in comparative neuroanatomy, the anatomy and evolution of the mammalian cortico-cerebellar system, and the use of innovative neuroimaging techniques to map cortical and subcortical networks.
Selected Publications
2024. Avelino-de-Souza K, Mynssen H, Chaim K, Parks AN, Flach L, Andrade-Cunha H, Mota B, and Patzke N. Anatomical and Volumetric Description of the Guiana Dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) Brain from an Ultra-High-Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Brain Behavior Function.
2024. Parks AN, Bryant KL, Rankin EK, Smaers JB, Hecht EE. Segmentation and morphometric MRI atlas of the chimpanzee cerebellum. Brain Structure and Function Special Issue: Towards Multi-modal, multi-species brain atlases.
2018. Parks AN, Smaers JB. The evolution of the frontal lobes in primates. In: Digital Endocasts (from skulls to brains). Edited by E. Bruner. Springer, pp. 205-218.
2017. Smaers JB, Gomez-Robles A, Parks AN, Sherwood CC. Exceptional evolutionary expansion of the prefrontal cortex in great apes and humans. Current Biology. 27: 714-720.